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Manage Alert Notification Silencing Rules

From the Cloud interface, you can manage your space's Alert notification silencing rules settings as well as allow users to define their personal ones.


To manage space's Alert notification silencing rule settings, you will need the following:

  • A Netdata Cloud account
  • Access to Space as an administrator or manager (troubleshooters can only view space rules)

To manage your personal Alert notification silencing rule settings, you will need the following:

  • A Netdata Cloud account
  • Access to Space with any role except billing


  1. Click on the Space settings cog (located above your profile icon).

  2. Click on the Alert & Notification tab on the left-hand side.

  3. Click on the Notification Silencing Rules tab.

  4. You will be presented with a table of the configured Alert notification silencing rules for:

    • The space (if you aren't an observer)
    • Yourself

    You will be able to:

    1. Add a new Alert notification silencing rule configuration.
      • Choose if it applies to All users or Myself (All users is only available for administrators and managers).
      • You need to provide a name for the configuration so you can refer to it.
      • Define criteria for Nodes, to which Rooms will the rule apply, on what Nodes and whether it applies to host labels key-value pairs.
      • Define criteria for Alerts, such as Alert name is being targeted and in what Alert context. You can also specify if it applies to a specific Alert role.
      • Define when it is applied:
        • Immediately, from now until it is turned off or until a specific duration (start and end date automatically set).
        • Scheduled, you can specify the start and end time for when the rule becomes active and then inactive (time is set according to your browser's local timezone). Note: You are only able to add a rule if your space is on a paid plan.
    2. Edit an existing Alert notification silencing rule configuration. You will be able to change:
      • The name provided for it
      • Who it applies to
      • Selection criteria for Nodes and Alerts
      • When it will be applied
    3. Enable/Disable a given Alert notification silencing rule configuration.
      • Use the toggle to enable or disable
    4. Delete an existing Alert notification silencing rule.
      • Use the trash icon to delete your configuration

Silencing Rules Examples

Rule nameRoomsNodesHost LabelAlert nameAlert contextAlert instanceAlert roleDescription
Space silencingAll Rooms******This rule silences the entire space, targets all nodes, and for all users. E.g. infrastructure-wide maintenance window.
DB Servers RoomsPostgreSQL Servers******This rule silences the nodes in the Room named PostgreSQL Servers, for example, it doesn't silence the All Nodes Room. E.g. My team with membership to this Room doesn't want to receive notifications for these nodes.
Node child1All Roomschild1*****This rule silences all Alert state transitions for node child1 in all Rooms and for all users. E.g. node could be going under maintenance.
Production nodesAll Rooms*environment:production****This rule silences all Alert state transitions for nodes with the host label key-value pair environment:production. E.g. Maintenance window on nodes with specific host labels.
Third party maintenanceAll Rooms**httpcheck_posthog_netdata_cloud.request_status***This rule silences this specific Alert since the third-party partner will be undergoing maintenance.
Intended stress usage on CPUAll Rooms***system.cpu**This rule silences specific Alerts across all nodes and their CPU cores.
Silence role webmasterAll Rooms*****webmasterThis rule silences all Alerts configured with the role webmaster.
Silence Alert on nodeAll Roomschild1*httpcheck_posthog_netdata_cloud.request_status***This rule silences the specific Alert on the child1 node.
Disk Space Alerts on mount pointAll Rooms**disk_space_usagedisk.spacedisk_space_opt_baddisk*This rule silences the specific Alert instance on all nodes /opt/baddisk.

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